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Full Installation

Unlike Telescope that launches the Stardust XR server and a small selection of clients, the typical way to interact with Stardust is to first run the server, which only provides a void by default, as there are no applications or clients within it. You can then launch any combination of the clients listed below, as they are all considered separate items but can run concurrently inside Stardust.

Fedora LogoUltramarine LogoFedora and derivatives (except Enterprise Linux)


Stardust XR is packaged in the Terra repository. If you are using Ultramarine Linux, Bazzite, or Aurora, this repository comes pre-installed, otherwise you will need to add the repository:

If you are using a Fedora Atomic Edition or derrivative you will need to run the following command:

curl -fsSL | pkexec tee /etc/yum.repos.d/terra.repo
sudo rpm-ostree install terra-release

Standard Fedora Editions and derrivatives can directly install terra-release:

sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck --repofrompath 'terra,$releasever' terra-release

Then, run this command to install all Stardust XR packages:

sudo dnf group install stardust-xr

LogoArch Linux

paru -s stardust-xr-telescope
paru -s stardust-xr-armillary
paru -s stardust-xr-atmosphere
paru -s stardust-xr-black-hole
paru -s stardust-xr-comet
paru -s stardust-xr-flatland
paru -s stardust-xr-gravity
paru -s stardust-xr-magnetar
paru -s stardust-xr-non-spatial-input
paru -s stardust-xr-protostar
paru -s stardust-xr-server

From there, you can launch the server with stardust-xr-server, then in another terminal window or tab, run any other clients you need. We recommend flatland and hexagon-launcher.

Manual Build


Make sure all of the repositories that are cloned are on the same branch (e.g. all main or all dev branch) to ensure Stardust protocol compatibility


Clone the Stardust XR Server

Make sure to check the list of prerequisites. Run cargo build and cargo run in the cloned repo to start the server. As stated above, the Stardust server will simply load in with a black void until clients are loaded in. This behaviour can currently be modified by creating a startup file inside the folder ~/.config/stardust/ to automate the loading in of clients, an example of which is shown here, and an example of is linked here


After the server is running, you'll need to run some clients. Clone any of these, cargo build & then cargo run after the server is already running, and they will load into the Stardust server!

Non-exhaustive list of clients:

  • flatland:
    3D panel UI (like window manager) for intercting with all your 2D apps
  • protostar:
    App launcher library and examples including futuristic Hexagon Launcher
  • black hole:
    Universal minimization of Stardust objects
  • gravity:
    Launch programs with a certain offset in 3D space
  • magnetar:
    Example workspaces client
  • atmosphere:
    3D environment with natural momentum-based movement
  • comet:
    Write in 3D wherever you want amongst your other apps!

Installation Script

If you have all the correct dependencies, we've created a script that will automatically git clone all of the necessary repositories, cargo build all of them, and give them a symlinks for running the server and clients from the command line. It also creates a config file that will by default install the default atmosphere background. Run the script with flag -nobg if you don't want that.